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Lock Your Door & Windows

It’s one of those Simple things which most people forget while moving out ,ask any police officer and they’ll tell you that one of the things that cause the most home burglaries is the fact that the burglar or home invader simply walked through an unlocked door or window.

Know Your Neighbors.

Get to know your neighbors. You don’t have to be their closest friends, but people who know each other will generally look out for one another.

Never Hide Keys in Racks outside Home.

Don’t try to hide a key in a fake rock, under a planter, or anywhere else near the door. Burglars know better than you where all the good hiding places are.If you need to keep a key available, leave one with a trusted neighbor.

Don’t advertise When You Purchase any New Products/Goods.

By putting out boxes from a new Play station,Computer,Television,Electronic Products out side your Home, you’re showing burglar exactly what new and valuable items are now available in your home.

Turn Radio or Television ON

When you move out to near by shops or neighbor house for small time, leave a radio or television playing. A burglar who enters and hears any evidence of people in the house may decide to leave right then and there.

Burglar/Security Alarms

Burglar Alarm systems are good at preventing burglaries and home invasions. A security alarm and it’s whining siren when someone enters your home will scare away a criminal, as well as alert you that someone has entered your home so that you can protect yourself.